More Aliens

So after my post last week I started wondering. Could this all be my imagination?  Was I just seeing things that weren’t there?  Was my mind just playing tricks on me?

Then I was walking to work.  Still in Shanghai.  Still walking down Dalian Road. When I found this.  Almost as if it was placed there by extraterrestrial beings to let me know that what I thought was real.

At first glimpse it looks like a building.  Possibly a muslim temple, possibly a grand mansion.  Of this one can not be certain.  If you look up to the right you will see what appears to be a sun shining down upon the structure.  But what is that above it?  A while light with a red dot in the middle of it.  Could that be an alien space craft?  Could it be a sign that ancient aliens did visit this street and explain to these people how to build the metal door that would raise and lower at there will?  Possible leading to a portal that would bring them back and forth to their home planet?

I say yes.  After all, only extraterrestrial beings could have such an advanced knowledge on how to cover a whole in a building.  Only a sophisticated being could do it with such class.  Ancient aliens could use such an advanced material as a metal that rolls up.  Only they would know how to cover an entrance with something that is obviously so easy to allow access in and out only when the owner was there and ready for customers to come in.

Thank you again “Ancient Aliens” for giving me the tools I need to recognize the signs of extraterrestrial beings that have visited us for the past thousand if not hundreds of thousands of years.


Shanghai Aliens

This is a picture from Shanghai, China.  It is from Dalian Road. I walked this road every day for over a year to get from my home to work.  I never paid it much attention until tonight.  The moon was full and something just seemed different to me.  If you look closely, you will see the campers on the bottom looking like they are building a fire.  The little girl seems to be adding stick to the soon to be fire while the boy lays on his stomach watching her.

But what is that above them?  At first I thought it was just a guy picking up trash. But upon closer investigation, you can see what appears to be air tanks on his back.  There’s a hose coming from the air hoses and it appears that he is wearing a helmet and some kind of suit. It looks very similar to a modern day astronaut.  But why is it in a picture of two campers?

I believe its a message.  A message that is trying to tell us that Ancient aliens came down on this very spot to tech these people the proper way to build a rolling metal wall.  A wall that can move up and down, possibly concealing a portal to their home planet.

I believe this can be considered proof that the theories the television show “Ancient Aliens” proposes is indeed true. Aliens did in fact come to our planet giving us every idea and every scientific discovery ever invented. We all know it is impossible for the human race to come up with any of the ideas we have without first being taught by a group of aliens.

Thank you “Ancient Aliens” for bringing this, one of our greatest secrets of our history to light and allowing me to give the proof that we all needed.


Okay.  I know this is supposed to be a website based on timeshare and on travel.  But the way I write is very simple.  I sit at my desk and whatever comes to my mind is what I put down on the page.  It also depends on my mood and what is going on with my life at the time. But for the most part it comes from what ever ends up on the page.

Most writers, inventors and geniuses in our world have all said it was as if something led them to their writings, inventions or findings.   Some have gone as far as calling this Devine intervention.  Others have said ancient aliens visiting our planet gave these people their ideas and inspiration. This in my opinion takes away all of mans achievements and gives them to someone or something else.

I don’t really believe that it is ancient aliens that give all of this inspiration, instead I believe that we all have the inspiration within us and that we have to find a way to “tap” that inspiration.  For some this is writing.  For others this is by inventing.  And still for others this is with coming up with mathematical formulas that explain the world we live in, where we come from, or why we are here. For me its writing

Thats why I decided to post all of the training I have written over the years.  I have been working and perfecting this training for years. I believe that it is the best timeshare training on the internet today.  It is also a presentation that I have used in China for the past seven years.

Its also why I decided to include this miscellaneous section. This section will be used for writings that don’t necessarily involve travel or other countries I have been to or lived in.  They will be fun stories that might have a moral to the story, or they could be stories that have noting to do with anything.

I hope you enjoy these stories and, if you feel they are worthy, share them with your friends and family.