Yang Yuhan

Yang Yuhan was emperor XuanZong’s favorite high ranking concubine (Yang Guifei) during the Tong Dynasty.  She was one of the four most beautiful ladies in Ancient China. A beautiful story is told of her called “Ashamed Flower”.  In the story, even beautiful flowers that looked at her felt ashamed because she was so pretty and charming.  She was not only beautiful but also very clever.  She learned fast and was talented in music and dancing.

Xuan Zong loved her more than anything in the world and would neglect his state duties to spend time with her. He built a natural hot spring pool (Hua Qing) for her in Li mountain, Xian. He also built several palaces for her enjoyment and for them to winter in.

In this statue, Yang Yuhan is standing in front of a crabapple pool which is one of the five bathing pools in the Huaqing hot springs.  Crabapple pool was her favorite bathing pool.  When it was cold in the capital of Chang’an, Xuang Zong and Yang Guifei would go to their beloved Huaqing. Because the steam went straight up in the cold air, causing it to freeze, it was famous at that time for frost flying in the wind.

It is said she had odor under her arms so she loved to bath here very much.  Xuan Zong always took her to take a bath here because the spring water contains many minerals which are helpful for curing body odor.

We can see her bracelet on her wrists.  It is said that one Taoist of mountain Li wanted to give Xuan Zong a piece of great lantain jade. But at the moment yang guifei was not feeling well and had the imperial guard send him away.

After an imperial doctor told Xuan Zong that jade was really rare and would keep away the bad spirits and evil demons.  Xuan Zong asked a craftsman to make a fade bracelet for Yang Guifei. She wore it on her right wrist and later had another one made for her left wrist.



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